WhatsApp API Integration -Sending a Contact Messages Payload through PostmanDemonstration of sending a contact through PostmanNov 16, 2022Nov 16, 2022
WhatsApp API Integration -Sending a Location Message Payload through PostmanOur endpoint for node messages be https://graph.facebook.com/v13.0/{{Phone Id}}/messages and asNov 16, 2022Nov 16, 2022
WhatsApp API Integration -Sending a Media document Payload through PostmanDemonstration of sending a Payload through Postman We created a template : certificate_download with Language : English and 1 text…Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
WhatsApp API Integration -Sending a Media video Payload through PostmanDemonstration of sending a Payload through Postman We created a template : video_template with Language : English and 1 text variable…Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
WhatsApp API Integration -Sending a Media image Payload through PostmanDemonstration of sending a Payload through Postman We created a template : greetings with Language : English and 1 text variable field…Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
Setting the Message TemplateStep 1: Click on Message Template to see the Available templatesNov 6, 2022Nov 6, 2022
WhatsApp API- Generate a Permanent Access Token TutorialCreating a developers accountNov 5, 2022Nov 5, 2022